The Silver Heavy Duty Gimbal Brackets that are in some mount pictures are NOT included with any mount.
They are optional and can be purchased here.

 Please read ALL notes on the pages of the mount that you are looking to purchase, this will save mis-ordered mounts from being shipped and prevent you from having to re-order and then return the wrong product.

Bass Cat Mounts


BBT Dash mounts are built to fit depending on your dash type, year, make and model.  The Bass Cat's have many variations of consoles that were used in different year models.

 In most cases, we'll know which one you would need. We may E-mail you for a picture of your dash to confirm which dash you have, so we can send you the  correct mount depending on what graph is flush mounted in the dash, so please go ahead and have a picture ready to send if we email you for it. 

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